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Cordova Geolocation Plugin Returning Empty Position Object On Android

I've had quite some issues with the Geolocation Cordova plugin (org.apache.cordova.geolocation). It works fine on iOS, but it doesn't at all on Android. As I understand, the plugin

Solution 1:

OK, after a long long time of debugging, I found the problem. Apparently, the getCurrentPosition() function returns a 'special' object in Android, which evaluates to {} when using JSON.stringify(). If I outputted the raw return object to the console, it turned out it wasn't empty at all.

So, following ridiculous adjustments fixed my code:

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
    var positionObject = {};

    if ('coords'in position) {
        positionObject.coords = {};

        if ('latitude'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
        if ('longitude'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
        if ('accuracy'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.accuracy = position.coords.accuracy;
        if ('altitude'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.altitude = position.coords.altitude;
        if ('altitudeAccuracy'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.altitudeAccuracy = position.coords.altitudeAccuracy;
        if ('heading'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.heading = position.coords.heading;
        if ('speed'in position.coords) {
            positionObject.coords.speed = position.coords.speed;

    if ('timestamp'in position) {
        positionObject.timestamp = position.timestamp;

    // Use the positionObject instead of the position 'object'alert(JSON.stringify(positionObject));            

iOS works fine without above adjustments, but as my app is a Phonegap application, I always apply the above.

Solution 2:

The Geolocation object passed to the callbacks in navigator.geolocation.getCurrentLocation() contains two prototype getters coords and timestamp, which means that hasOwnProperty will return false, which I assume that JSON.stringify excludes.

When logging all keys on the object I get the following:

[object Geoposition]
  .coords [object Coordinates]

Never the less, these values are valid when accessed normally.

Solution 3:

With Angular, you can fix this with :

location = angular.copy(location)

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