Target="_blank" Opens A New Window In Ie9, Instead Of A New Tab
Solution 1:
HTML and JavaScript provide no means to say if a new "window" should be a full window, or a tab, or whatever you want to call the Mobile Safari multiple views interface.
So you live with it.
Solution 2:
You can see in this question that the target="_blank"
is correct, but the way the browser handles this case is up to his settings.
You need to change IE8/9 settings to open that kind of target in a new tab. There's nothing you can do :|
Solution 3:
This is configured browser side and theres nothing you can do about it in your html I'm afraid. Its just an option that a user sets in their browsers preferences.
Solution 4:
You need to use the target="_blank"
attribute to make links open in a new window or tab. Where the link actually opens is up to the browser settings. So if you have Tools > Internet Options > Tabbed Browsing Settings > "Always open pop-ups in new tabs" selected, a target="_blank"
link will open in a new tab. Note that this type of link will open in a new window by default on most browsers.
Solution 5:
Unchecking Protected Mode in IE9 resolved my problem.
Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later. When Protected Mode is enabled and a webpage contains an anchor link with a named target, Windows Internet Explorer opens the target of the link in a new window when the target has a different integrity level than the webpage containing the link.
Source: target attribute in IE
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